Bukit Broga, Semenyih
(400 m; 1312 ft)
15 th October 2015
went recce for first time to bukit Broga @Semenyih with a friend, hazlan. the purpose was pureli scouting the area @venue for a training program. it was an hour hike crossing 4 false peaks... 2 of them have names; 1. puncak tinjau pertama (first viewing point) and, 2. puncak tinjau kedua (second viewing point). it was noon!!! n hiking under hot-baking sun proved quite a challenge to us.... her! her!

pic: starting point (private palm oil)
arrived @parking area... private palm oil farm with RM2 car fee per entri. saw that the signboard also bears direction to Tok Wan mountain.... actuali, i never heard such mountain before..... maybe, need to come back n do recce again.... from this starting point, took 10 minutes walk towards gerbang Broga (entrance). dont panic if see many trails.... all trails end up at the @same entrance. walked under oil palm tree shades.... don't know that this was the onli heavenli place/ area along the trail to the peak.... her! her!
pic: entrance
after 25 minutes walk from Broga entrance... reached @puncak tinjau pertama (800 ft).... at this first lookout point, we could see nice view of semenyih town. from this spot, could also see top of Broga hill... another 10 minutes... after passing second false peak, arrived @puncak tinjau kedua (1150 ft).... signboard here has been alreadi uprooted.... took short 'long' break catching breath.... fuihhhh!
after 25 minutes walk from Broga entrance... reached @puncak tinjau pertama (800 ft).... at this first lookout point, we could see nice view of semenyih town. from this spot, could also see top of Broga hill... another 10 minutes... after passing second false peak, arrived @puncak tinjau kedua (1150 ft).... signboard here has been alreadi uprooted.... took short 'long' break catching breath.... fuihhhh!
pic: hazlan near false peak 1
pic: broga view from 1st view point
after short scrambling, we reached Broga peak aka puncak tinjau ketiga (3rd viewing point 400 m/ 1312 ft). took shade under tree shadows..... rest a while.... quite a view from the peak plus haze of course... the sceneri onli slacken by many old rubbishes thrown behind big rocks.... careful climbing ensures safeti... he!
pic: marking on broga hill peak
going downhill onli took us 15 minutes from peak to tinjau 1.... another 20 minutes to the entrance.... so, total 35 minutes.... got general idea about Broga hill....
on 27th October, carried out office hiking program.... with colleagues...
pic: with colleagues
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